It is an honor and a privilege to be asked to be someone’s godparent or confirmation sponsor. Sponsors are asked to not only participate in a ceremony that connects and strengthens a person’s bond with the Holy Spirit but also help guide the child down the correct path of life that will lead them to God’s ever-loving embrace.
Choosing a good sponsor is not easy. The church requires sponsors to meet criteria to be either godparents or confirmation sponsors because being a sponsor comes with duties and responsibilities.
Godparents chosen to take part in a Baptism make a pledge on behalf of the child to renounce Satan, to believe in God and the church, and to guide the child into a life of faith and devotion. The sponsors participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation are pledging to offer support and guidance for the Confirmation candidate. They will help guide them into adulthood, give them the skills needed to face the challenges in life, and help strengthen their faith in God and the church. In both cases, a sponsor commits to help guide and influence another soul. They must be willing to be responsible for the faithful guidance of this child and act as strong role models of faith for them.
If you want to apply to be a Godparent or Confirmation sponsor, please use the link below to access our form.
Sponsorship form Formulario de patrocinador Católico