Prayer is vital to the life of a Christian. We give praise and thanks to God for our many blessings, as well as seek God’s help to endure and overcome the challenges in our lives. We are called to pray for ourselves, for others, for the living and for the dead.
The greatest prayer of all is the Mass itself because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father. All the needs of the world are gathered together in the paschal mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. The mass is the perfect prayer to offer others in need of prayers.
St. John-St. Charles Parish welcomes Mass Intentions. A mass intention can be acknowledged with a card to send your loved one and is always announced in our weekly bulletin. There are many ways you can request a mass for a loved one. You can
To schedule a Mass Intention, please stop by the rectory
or call us at (845) 855-5488.