The blessing of holy oils within the celebration of Mass has a long history in the Roman Rite and is one of the most solemn and important liturgies of the Church year. During this Mass the Holy Oils are consecrated or blessed which includes the blessing of the Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick and the consecration of the Sacred Chrism. Holy chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, an aromatic resin. Balsam is poured into the oil, which gives it a sweet smell intended to remind those who encounter it of the "odor of sanctity" to which those who are marked with it, are called to strive. The bishop breathes over the vessel containing the chrism, a gesture which symbolizes the Holy Spirit coming down to consecrate this oil, and recalls the actions of Jesus in the Gospel account of John 20:22, when he breathed on the apostles and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit..." The priests concelebrating the Mass extend their hands toward the vessel containing the chrism and say the chosen "prayer of consecration" silently as the bishop pronounces it over the chrism.
Celebrating this liturgy during Holy Week offers the advantage of highlighting the important role of the oils in the sacramental life of the Church. The faithful are encouraged to participate in the Chrism Mass at their local cathedral with their bishop.
At this Mass His Eminence blesses all the oils used for sacraments which are then distributed to all the parishes: Oil of Catechumen, Oil of Chrism, and the Oil of the Infirmed. Parish priests are strongly encouraged to attend to be with their bishop as they make a public renewal of their commitment to Holy Orders. It’s always rewarding when the priest processes in and sees his people in the pews; and for them to bear witness to his renewal of orders. Our parish is arranging for a bus to take interested parishioners to St. Patrick's Cathedral for the Chrism Mass. Please consider attending this Mass.
If you would like to travel with us to St. Patrick's on a chartered bus, you can sign up by calling the rectory at (845) 855-5488. There is a fee of $20.00 to help cover the cost of the bus.